Its faster than a train!! Its faster than a speeding bullet!! What is it? Its.. Its.. Singapore Taxis!! Hehehe..
Have you ever ride on a Singapore taxi before? Man!! They can scare you half to death! (Hmmm... just a thought, but what happens when you get scared half to death twice? Back to taxis...) Yes! They can switch lanes without much difficulty. Even when they are cars around, you can be sure that your taxi driver will drive around every single one of them with the blink of an eye, which is why now passengers are required to use seatbelts.
*blink* you're in the second lane, *blink* you're in the fourth now..
You can never be late, I'll give you that. But you'll lose your breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time.
They are not like that all the time. Sometimes they are the gentliest of all creatures. They would start moving their car and get you to your destination without you even feeing a bump. And that usually happens when you are FREAKIN LATE!! Hehe. And funny enough, I find it happening when there is no traffic around too.
But to be fair, its not just Singapore taxis. I've been to Abd Dhabi, Cairo, Dubai, Germany to name a few, they're all the same.
If you are an adrenalin freak, taxis are a must ride! For the weak hearted, take the bus.

<-- I miss my friends. We had a hell of a good time when we were young. And now age is catching up on us, we hardly ever have time for us anymore. This photo would never have been taken if I weren't starting a new life elsewhere. Hehe.. I love you guys.
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