I'm a bit of a gadget freak. God knows how much moollahs I've spent on gadgets.
There's good and bad about living in Singapore. The good is that gadgets are easy access here, a lot easier to get than back home, and a lot more choices too. All those unnecessary things that was suppose to make our lives bearable in this modern world we're living in now.
Take the pda for example, short for personal digital assistant. 10-15 years ago, a pen and a note book was all we need. Its a whole lot cheaper too and can do almost all a pda can do. Sure you can tell the time with it (which you can do with your watch) or write notes (again pen and note book) or keep your phone numbers in place (so that it matches with whats in your mobile phone), but you got to look cool..
Mind you I had about four pdas in my life time. Haha!!
The bad thing about being here is that its easy access. I can picture me now blowing my hard earned cash on something stupid every month.
Who cares..? As long as you're happy right? Hehe.. Yeah.. riiiight...
My newest gadget is the almighty xbox from Microsoft. Its got three symmetrical cores running at 3.2 ghz, 512mb ram, you can play online with other gamers, 20gb hard drive (not included) to put your songs, photos, videos in, you can play music cds, dvds.. Its one heck of contraption..

By the way, I don't really play video games. I got this one for free when I subscribed for my broadband connection. Hehe!!
Another great reason for being here.
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